Broke Leg Falls

If you’re looking for a picturesque destination to explore in Menifee County, Kentucky, then Broke Leg Falls is a must-visit spot. This stunning waterfall is situated along Broke Leg Creek and stands at an impressive height of 60 feet, providing a magnificent view of the sandstone gorge that surrounds it.

Although the site was once part of a state park, it fell into disrepair by the late 1960s, and most travelers overlooked it in favor of the Mountain Parkway. Fortunately, the county took over the area in 2010-11; since then, it has undergone a significant facelift. New gazebos, a parking area, and restored trails have been added, providing visitors better access to the falls.

However, the site suffered a significant blow in 2012 when an EF-3 tornado swept through the region, causing extensive damage to the trees in the Broke Leg Falls gorge. Although many trees and stumps were removed in the aftermath of the storm, many were left behind to protect the area’s delicate ecology. Despite this setback, the gorge has made an incredible recovery in the years since the tornado strike. Visitors can once again enjoy the area’s breathtaking natural beauty, with its towering waterfall and lush greenery.

If you’re looking for an awe-inspiring destination showcasing Kentucky’s natural beauty, be sure to add Broke Leg Falls to your travel itinerary.

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